Gone Adventuring: North Bend, Washington
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Have you seen Twin Peaks before? For Melissa and me, there is no greater show in the history of television. We became best friends in college over an intense love of all things David Lynch and have been inseparable ever since. We’ve been taking trips to North Bend, WA where they filmed the iconic show for years, marveling at the foggy mountain peaks and mossy greenery. There’s something wonderful about quiet mountain towns and the sound of wind in the trees that just seems good for the soul. Here is a glimpse into some of our adventures. — Amy
We stay at the North Bend Motel each time we visit. While it’s not the most glamorous of places, it’s packed full of charm with its wood paneled walls and minimal rustic decor. I couldn’t imagine staying anywhere else! I’m not entirely sure how the tradition began but when two best friends who happen to be photographers stay in a hotel room together, sometimes you have to take some bed jumping photos. So that’s exactly what we do every single time we stay at the North Bend Motel.