Homespun Creative is now Amy Winningham Photography!
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It’s here! It’s here! I’ve been waiting patiently until the new year to share all the changes to my business that have been in the works over the last few months and am so excited that the time has finally come. Last year brought some big life changes—we settled into our home and have adored making it feel like ours, we planned our wedding and officially tied the knot last September (!!), and we traveled to some incredible places like Japan for our honeymoon! 2015 was one of the best years of my life to date and I’m already so optimistic for 2016 and what it will bring.
I’ve been a photographer for more than 10 years, but it wasn’t until 2012 that I decided to put my biases about the wedding industry aside and give wedding photography a go. I had no idea whether or not I’d enjoy it (what if I get a bridezilla?!) but I was insanely lucky to get the coolest couple of all time for my very first gig. After that, I was hooked and immedaitely began building my business off referrals from friends and my own blood, sweat, and tears (okay, no blood was shed, but definitely a lot of sweat and tears). I’ve operated under the name Homespun Creative since the beginning of my wedding business, but for the past year or so I’ve been quietly feeling the pull to use my own name for my work. Immediately following our wedding in September I started reaching out to designers and have had the most fun dreaming up ways to take the vibes I want my brand to evoke and translate those feelings into imagery. Major thanks to Nicolas Fredrickson for his killer hand lettering skills and to Kathryn & Brittany, the badass women behind Saturday Studio who dreamed up all sorts of delicious curiosities for me. Today, I’m deeply proud to introduce you to Amy Winningham Photography!

From the beginning I knew I wanted a hand lettered logo. Cursive script felt like the right fit, but I had strong opinions regarding what I did and did not want. The logo needed to feel feminine without being overly ornate and frilly. I wanted a retro elegance that was easy to read with just the right amount of flourishes. I found Nicolas on Instagram after searching #handlettering and reached out right away. Working with him was a breeze and I loved how friendly and prompt all of his communication was! I went into it with strong opinions, knowing exactly what I wanted, and Nicolas stepped up to the challenge and completely nailed it. He hand lettered both my main Amy Winningham Photography logo as well as my simple AW monogram.

After my hand lettering was underway, I had the delightful fortune of working with Brittany and Kathryn at Saturday Studio to dream up a brand family that matched my new logo. This included graphic elements, designs for my tagline “photography for the wild at heart”, fonts, and a color palette. The whole process is much easier said than done, but their professionalism and dedication to details made it feel effortless (and incredibly fun!). I found myself opening each of their emails with the same excitement as a child opening presents on Christmas morning. They took ideas out of my head and manifested them into such fantastic creatures!

At the beginning of the brand family brainstorming process, I thought long and hard about what kind of message I want my wedding work to communicate to clients. I told Kathryn and Brittany that I wanted Amy Winningham Photography to convey a feeling of confidence and exploration; a sense of wonder; an organic earthy feel. When I sat down to think about what kinds of visuals inspire me, I knew nature and the Pacific Northwest would play a large role but wanted something different than what all the other photographers in my region are using. We chose to focus on vintage botanical illustrations of native Northwest flora as well as insects since my husband and I have been slowly expanding our collection of exotic insect specimens, currently on display on our living room wall. I loved that the flora would provide a feminine touch while the insect imagery would provide more of a unique and curious feeling. It was Kathryn and Brittany’s idea to create the wonderful plant/insect hybrids you see here and I couldn’t be happier with how truly original they are. At the end of the day, my main hope is to attract friendly creative clients who value exploration and adventure. Brides who aren’t afraid to get their dress a little dirty. Grooms who toss me a beer like I’m part of the family. Couples who are crazy in love and want some epic photos of that. Those are my people, and I'm thrilled to have a brand that aligns with that message.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who shows an interest in my work and takes the time to peek at my website. Building my own business has been a labor of love and is without a doubt one of the most fulfilling adventures I’ve ever taken. Here’s to 2016 and all that it will bring!